ico 005

Welding fixtures and electrodes - Effective components for the welding process

In welding technology, ALBROMET copper alloys score points above all with their high conductivity and resistance to wear. Components made from these materials ensure greater quality and efficiency in the welding process. ALBROMET uses copper alloys and aluminum bronzes to manufacture simple, but also very complex welding fixtures and welding tools according to your drawings.

Copper and its alloys have excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. This ensures efficient heat transfer at the welding point and is the ideal prerequisite for a strong and reliable welded joint. Copper alloys are also used for resistance welding.

The high resistance to mechanical wear and the lack of sparking of the copper alloy are ideal prerequisites for use as electrodes in resistance welding. Some commonly used alloys for this purpose are beryllium copper and beryllium-free copper alloys. Both offer a very good combination of hardness and conductivity.

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